Remote training manifesto - intro picture

Remote training manifesto

About us

We design, deliver, and facilitate remote and in-classroom training programs that enhance the value of the learning experience.


By working to deliver courses remotely for the employees of various organizations, we observed the following aspects:

  • Although remote learning generally is more difficult in the initial stage than in-classroom learning, the former results can be similar, if not superior to the latter once the trainers have mastered the requisite techniques and tools.
  • There are strong economic reasons that motivate training clients to prefer this method to the traditional way of delivery (in class). These reasons concern especially the decreased budgetary expense per trained participant, the flexibility of the educational format and group organization, as well as the possibility of balancing course attendance and effort required at one’s workplace.
  • This new approach improves access to learning by creating fresh opportunities and by eliminating geographical barriers and the constraints tied to travel planning and social distancing.
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“We believe that it is our duty to offer a practical method for designing and delivering remote courses, thereby promoting the development of this new form of learning”

A change in the trainers’ ways of thinking and attitudes is necessary for success within the new format. In particular, the following ideas need to be adopted:

  • Most of the training activities traditionally delivered in the classroom can be modified and adapted to the remote format.
  • Training-specific techniques and skills are transferrable online and are as important for the successful delivery of remote training sessions as for the effectiveness of in-classroom teaching.
  • Proficiency in the use of digital technologies (e.g., videoconference apps) is necessary to assure the success of remote delivery.
  • Any user of an internet browser can enjoy a memorable learning experience by attending remotely delivered training sessions.

Remote training manifesto drives

Our Mission

“Being part of a new community of remote training professionals, we assume the goal to inspire and support others in attaining professional mastery, to the benefit of training consumers around the world. The pillars of remote delivery, the CARTA values, and principles guide our work towards this goal