CARTA method - transition to remote training delivery section image

Transition to remote training delivery

To make a successful transition there are several factors to take into account:

  • Follow a process to transform the content
  • Use a checklist to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the transformation
  • Embrace the new way of thinking
  • Develop abilities to use digital training technologies
  • Modify the activities and adapt the content to the new kind of delivery
  • Experiment and refine the content until it reaches the level of quality that you desire while making sure you can employ the method’s structure to deliver it
  • Embrace proven practices
CARTA method - Modifying the content for remote training delivery - section image

The process of modifying the content for remote training

Transformation logic
“Any activity that proved its value in a class teaching environment will be modified, adapted, or replaced for usage in the new training delivery medium.”

Carta Method: The process of modifying the content for remote training - 4 steps

Figure 7 – Transition of the content to remote delivery format

How to validate content transformation

Validation Checklist

CARTA Method - content transformation for remote training validation checklist - section image



Content minimization
simplifying the content while fully satisfying the participants’ need for information.
The target recommended for content reduction is 1-2 hours for a 2-day in-class course.
The trainer is assumed to be capable to present topics, ideas, messages, and supporting information in a coherent discourse.

Visual amplification
the content is redefined visually, for a deeper impact.
After minimization and visual amplification, trainers could effectively deliver the content of a 2-day in-class course in a 1.5-2-hour webinar.
Participants who are exclusively introduced to the material of the presentation normally show an understanding of the content that is consistent with the initial intention.

Addition of practical activities
to increase participant’s involvement

Method-specific reusable games and game-like activities have been added to the minimized content.

Delivery and refinement
the content is delivered remotely and is refined based on the participant feedback and in keeping with the observation of the level of engagement and the degree of success in reaching the proposed teaching goals.

Content and delivery forms come in updated versions and thus have results that are superior to the previous versions.
Validating content transformation

CARTA Method - desired ratio of practical activities section image

The desired ratio of practical activities

By following these guidelines, you can transform the content of your traditional training session to achieve the desired ratio of practical activities from the total training duration of 65-75% (thus minimizing the lecture time).

CARTA Method - duration distribution graph - around 75% of practical activities

Figure 8 – Illustrative target of the practical activity’s percentage